#1 Sign You’ll Be Successful: You Know What You Want

Have you defined what it is you’re looking for and what you’re going after? A lot of people go through life without ever thinking through what they want.

Let’s take the analogy of land navigation. If you’re traveling you can get lost. But if you can see where you’re headed – say a mountain 10 miles away – despite the land throwing you off you can always recenter yourself by aiming toward that point.C

That’s what you want to have in your life. You want to have some goals that you’re shooting for, something that’s important to you that you’ve clearly defined.

Yeah, you’re gonna get knocked off track – but you want to make sure you can reorient yourself and keep heading towards that goal.

#2: You’ve Got Grit

You know how to deal with hardship. You persevere.C

If someone throws an obstacle in your way you find a way around it. You find a way over it, under it, you knock a hole right through it.

You realize that obstacle is to stop other people. Not you. You find a way.

#3: You’re Passionate About What You Do

Not long ago I was having trouble choosing a watch, and a wise man told me:

Same goes for your calling in life. When you can find what sings to you, what you absolutely love to do, you cannot be stopped. So find what you love – and then work hard to become an expert at it.

#4: You Wear A Watch

Because all successful men wear watches.

If you are a woman that does not hold true.

Just kidding… but there IS scientific evidence that wearing a watch gives you the edge. A 2015 British study in the journal Peer J found that if you wear a watch you are more conscientious and more likely to be on time.C

In my opinion, it’s not just because a watch makes it easier to check the time… it’s because a watch makes it easier to be aware of Time. The concept. The thing you only have so much of.

A few hundred years ago you’d have kept a skull on your desk to remind you to seize the day. A watch is much more attractive. It makes a better conversation starter too.

#5: You Outwork Everybody

You put in the effort. You don’t shy away from waking up at 6 o’clock in the morning on the weekends to get in that extra hour of study.

Yes, it’s a holiday and everyone else is out partying. But you stayed at home because you want to finish writing that book. You find a way to put in the effort. You deserve that success.

When you succeed, everyone will assume you’re a natural. But you’re not – you’re an ordinary guy who put in double to triple the amount of work of everyone else.

#6. You Take 100% Ownership Of Your Decisions

You don’t blame others. You don’t pass the buck. You don’t ask anyone to make your decisions for you.

It’s okay to seek some advice, especially from people you trust. But taking ownership is a very powerful thing.

When you take 100% ownership of your decisions and actions, you realize YOU control your life and you can choose your direction.

And if you’re going the wrong direction – you have the power to change it. So take ownership.

#7. You’re An Action-Taker – Not An Overthinker

Anyone who’s started a company or taken on a worthwhile project knows you’re going to stumble and fall. But that’s all on the path to success. Next time, you’re going to be successful.T

Here’s the reality of life: everyone has the perfect idea AFTER the time has passed to actually execute on it. What sets apart the successful guy is that he takes action at the right time.

‘Oh, that innovative idea? I had that ten years ago.’ Well, guess what? That other guy got a patent on it, started a business, and is now making millions.

#8. You Never Stop Learning

You dive into books, online courses, audiobooks… there are so many ways to continue to learn. I hate reading, but I devour audiobooks while I’m traveling or doing chores.C

You set up masterminds so you can engage with your peers.

You realize you become the average of the people you surround yourself with. 

#9. You’re Aware Of Your Limitations

So many times people get overconfident. They think, ‘I had great success in this one business, therefore I’m an awesome business person.’

No. Maybe you had a bit of luck, maybe the timing was just perfect. There were a number of factors at play other than your awesomeness. If you’re too arrogant to see everyone who helped you up, you’re headed for a major fall.

When you’re self-aware you realize you don’t actually know a whole lot.

‘All I know is that I know nothing.’ – Socrates

When you realize how much you don’t know, you’re constantly learning and working to become better.

#10. You’re Strange

Successful people are often downright strange. They’re obsessive. They’re so detail-oriented it’s almost neurotic.

That guy who’s written a book and he won’t come party with you because he wants to stay home and reread it? He’s crazy about this. Are you CRAZY about what you’re doing?

Most of us YouTubers are compulsive checkers. We watch our videos and make sure everything is exactly right before we put it out there.

What I’m saying is, are you as strange as this guy?

I’m not talking about perfection or analysis paralysis – but if you’re not that detail-oriented it’s going to be hard to climb the mountain of success.

So there you have it: 10 signs that you’ll be successful. Take a look at the rundown below and ask yourself if it describes you.

If not – make a decision that it WILL. Make it a description of your future self… and look forward to your future success.

  1. You Know What You Want
  2. You’ve Got Grit
  3.  You’re Passionate About What You Do
  4. You Wear A Watch
  5. You Outwork Everybody
  6. You Take 100% Ownership Of Your Decisions
  7.  You’re An Action-Taker – Not An Overthinker
  8. You Never Stop Learning
  9. You’re Aware Of Your Limitations
  10. You’re Strange (Detail-Oriented


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