The journey to success is a bumpy ride and I know you might have found yourself questioning your actions and inactions, but instead of beating yourself about, focus on getting these roadblocks out of the way and live your dreams. I discovered a gold mine on ways you can do this after listening to an experienced Business Executive, Caleb Ayiku, and I want to share that with you, coupled with my personal strategies. If you want to be successful, avoid these 7 barriers.

1.  Avoid Procrastination

You may have heard or read this so many times that it sounds cliché, but please do me a favour; do not be tempted to undermine the power of procrastination because it sets the difference between dreamers and achievers. Sometimes, we are tempted to push things aside because they are probably hard to work on or boring to do. It is at this point that you must push yourself to get it done because you will never feel like it. Plan what you want to achieve within a specific timeline. Set specific goals and focus on achieving the three most important goals. Ask yourself this question: If I had to do just one thing today, what would it be? Or, what is my most valuable activity for the day? This will help you streamline your activities in relation to the goals you have set, making them easier to work on. Social media for instance can be a HUGE distraction from our goals (I know this because it is a personal weakness I’m working on). Minimize distractions and maximize productivity, and you’ll be amazed by how much you will achieve.

2.  Poor Time Structure

Time is a very valuable resource which must be used thoughtfully. Remember the old saying, ‘time is money’? If time was indeed money, what would you use it for? To buy the things you do not need or invest in the most valuable things which will reap returns? Yes, consider time as a valuable currency and use it for the things that matter. Having a time structures helps you get your priorities straight on a personal and professional level. Make time for these: Personal reflection and prayer, proper nutrition, building meaningful relationships and rest. This means you are making time for things that support your spiritual upliftment, physical growth, emotional well-being and social life. In planning your future, it is very prudent to draw a relationship between time for work, time to save and time to invest. You must not work without making time to make the right financial investments and plan how you spend your money. We live not just for ourselves, but for the people who need us. Make time for things that will have a positive impact on the lives of other people, especially those who need it.

3.  The Love for Pleasure

Ever felt bad for spending so much time having fun when you know there is work to be done? Limit the time and energy you spend on pleasure and redirect them into something productive. I’m not saying it’s wrong to have fun (I love having fun with my friends) but we need to set limits for ourselves. Pleasure is defined differently by different people. Sleep, sex, food and alcohol for instance can all be described as pleasure depending on the reason, time and how much you engage in it. Do you have sex on every single date or go to the bar every night after work with friends? Do you eat junk immediately you feel like it? You must be careful with how far you go, and how much money and time you invest in pleasure. Alcoholism for instance can make you sick and broke. Having sex with almost everyone you come across can expose you to Sexually Transmitted Infections(STI’s). All these waste your time, health and money.

4.  Fight Addictions

Addictions can hinder your progress. Addiction to substances or certain undesirable habits can get in the way of some of the things you want to achieve. Unlike getting rid of habits, addictions can have strong control over you, making it difficult to break away and focus on the things you should be focusing on. Addictions can limit your potential, which is why it is important to be committed to fighting them. Get help while trying to fight an addiction because it is difficult to fight an addiction on your own. No matter how hard it is, take the hard decisions to make your life easy in future.

5.  Damaging Emotions

We all have emotions, and they make us human. You were created to feel a certain way towards a situation, person or thing and that is okay. Your emotions only need to be managed since you do not have absolute control over them. Anxiety, fear, anger, jealousy and resentment are all damaging emotions which are bad for your health and happiness. Do not allow your emotions to handle you; handle your emotions. Sometimes we spend too much time being angry or afraid, to an extent that we forget to spread our wings and reach out for the things that make us happy. Build and discharge positive energy, and make sure you stay away from people who burden you with their negative energy.

6.  Rise Above Rejection

I will not pretend this is easy. This is one of the most difficult things to do. You may have been rejected a job offer you’ve been praying for, or even rejected by the guy you’ve been crushing on for months. It is alright to be disappointed and hurt after being rejected. Accept the pain and grieve, but do not stay down too long. Stand up with your head up high and reach for your dreams. One trick to dealing with rejection is accepting reality and believing that you deserve better. Do not lose guard on your self-worth, work hard and improve your amazing personality (which those who rejected you will miss).

7.  Fight Indiscipline

Indiscipline can be a major drawback. Be discipline in your time, relationships and resources. Start by making small positive changes and upgrades such as waking up early, learning new things and keeping to your word. You can set a reward for yourself when you meet your self-discipline targets. These 6 life upgrades will help you improve your choices and lifestyle. You have potential. Identify the things you need to focus on, and work till you overcome those obstacles. Avoid procrastination and poor time structure, do not entertain damaging emotions and excessive love for pleasure, fight addiction and rise above rejection. When you identify and avoid these roadblocks in your life, you have take a huge step towards success.

In your opinion, what are some of the things that could hinder success?

Write down your #1 road block and lean into it! Go for success.

Author: Caleb Ayiku


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