“Embrace the glorious mess that you are.” – Elizabeth Gilbert.

This is a quote I stumbled upon while on social media earlier this week, and it struck such a cord with me that I had to expand upon it further. Elizabeth Gilbert may not know it, but she played quite the role in my own decision to venture off the beaten path and create my own way, with her book (now a feature film) Eat Pray Love.

And now on to this concept of messiness and going with the flow.

“Embrace the glorious mess that you are” …. because that’s who you are, beautifully unbalanced and always searching for what gives you joy; lost and found; lighthearted but full of contemplative depth; seeking places and people to belong, all while feeding an adventurous spirit that longs to leap.

Oh you beautiful soul, trust those instincts of yours and love every inch of yourself from darkness to light. For your only path now is the one you intentionally carve for yourself, every mountain and uphill climb providing immeasurable lessons, unforgettable experiences and expansive views.

You’ll be searching forever if you’re seeking this concept of perfect balance; it will slip through your fingers like sand or time, never meant for you to hold on to. Embrace the chaos, adore the nuances and inconsistencies. Reflect back in awe and wonder. What a beautiful hot mess.


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