What is your genius zone?

What are you passionate about?

What really matters to you? 

Think about what really matters to you. It could be your dream job, the kind of people you want in your life, or the places you want to explore.  Embrace it!  What does success look and feel like?

Its like setting the GPS for your life journey. 


                    Aligning your life means making choices that match up with your values and passions. Aligning your life                           often involves making choices based on your personal values and aspirations.

                 When your life is aligned, you’re doing things that make you feel fulfilled and excited. You might be studying                                            something you’re passionate about, working towards a career you love, or spending time                                                             with friends who lift you up. It’s about creating a life that feels right for you.

                       Just like on a road trip, there may be detours and bumps along the way, but when your life is aligned,                                                      you have a clear sense of where you’re going and why you’re going there. It’s about                                                                    finding your own path and enjoying the adventure of getting there.


How 1% Performance Improvements Led to Olympic Gold

When Sir Dave Brailsford became head of British Cycling in 2002, the team had almost no record of success.
British cycling had only won a single gold medal in its 76-year history.

 “To give you a bit of background, when we first started out, the top of the Olympic podium seemed like a very long way away.
Aiming for gold was too daunting. As an MBA, I had become fascinated with other process-improvement techniques.
It struck me that we should think small, not big, and adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement
through the aggregation of marginal gains.

That quickly changed under Sir Dave’s leadership. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, his squad won seven out of ten gold medals available in track cycling, and they matched the achievement at the London Olympics four years later.
Sir Dave now leads Britain’s first ever professional cycling team, which has won three of the last four Tour de France. 

Sir Dave, a former professional cycler who holds an MBA, applied a theory of marginal gains to cycling — he gambled that if the team broke down everything they could think of that goes into competing on a bike, and then improved each element by 1%, they would achieve a significant aggregated increase in performance.

“Forget about perfection; focus on progression, and compound the improvements.”

Eben Harrell




Align your life by starting the 1% BETTER Journey today. As you move forward you can start at 1% the next day then 2% and so on. It compounds into something substantial over time.

Reshaping your habits helps you consistently achieve your goals. Your long term rewards are impossible to quantify.

of Getting 1% BETTER
Every Day

1% BETTER philosophy draws in ideas from biology, psychology, and neuroscience to create an easy-to-understand guide for making good habits inevitable, and bad habits changeable. Olympians, business leaders, athletes, and people from all walks of life have used the science of small habits to vault to the top of their fields.

LOOK for 1% BETTER Transformations

Your mind is your master. 1% BETTER puts you in control. Embedded trauma is identified and no longer holds you back from living your ideal life.  The age-old phrase, “what you think is what you are,” is true.

Make Your Dreams a Reality, One Day at a Time.

Research confirms your body
absorbs everything you say and think.
Your thoughts impact every decision you make. 

So, fall in love with your transformation by letting your heart embrace it one day at a time.

And suddenly you know:

It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.”

Meister Eckhart



1% BETTER Journey
LET GO Meditation
Personal Empowerment  

ALiGN ViNE Creates a Structure which Yields a 91% Chance of Success to transform your life.
A Place to Belong, and a Purpose to Achieve.  

1% BETTER is an art and a science.” Founder Sandra Hadley

“Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”

—Jim Rohn


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