Enslavement circles the earth like a viper squeezing the power, passion, and love from our souls. Most of us have dark places in our lives. Darkness is never so dark that it cannot be penetrated by light and hope. Reclaiming the light that flows in our veins. We...
Give up these 7 toxic habits to be successful in business When it comes to our wealth and success, we tend to fixate on the things we need to acquire in the future to make those visions come alive. However there are also certain ingrained habits that might...
True love: what it is and what it isn’t. Do you know? I can picture the day. Rice flying, a limo pulling up to take him and me to the airport, white clusters of flowers on the pews, tears in my mother’s eyes, my bridesmaids in lavender chiffon…. All the details of my...
We all know that one person who is well-liked by everyone, and it’s hard not to try and pinpoint what it is about them that makes them mesh so well with each person they meet. To try and better understand their charm, we can look at the common traits and...
The Power Path We all live in a dualistic virtual reality environment taking place on this home planet we call Earth. From the time we are born to the day we die we deal with experiences that range from bitter to sweet and there is no escape from this phenomena except...
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