What is 1% BETTER Journey, and what is its primary goal?

1% Better Journey is a mental, emotional, and spiritual exercise that engages an individual’s mind, body, and spirit in the identifying and releasing of the core beliefs he or she is holding that are generating debilitating conditions. 

The aim of 1% Better is to assist individuals in releasing the pain of past experiences that is the source of negative beliefs and thought patterns and thus release the individual’s desire to engage in destructive 
behaviors to release and restore the individual’s ability to make healthy productive choices. 

1% Better helps to optimize the effectiveness of sound mental health practices. 

How is 1% BETTER administered?

1% Better is an online program that can be completed anytime in a 30+ minute session.

1% Better utilizes a carefully formulated journey to guide the individual through the core belief discovery process that results in the healing of embedded pain and thus the release of limiting behaviors. 

Most participants find the greatest success with the 1% Better when they complete sessions on a regular basis, 2-5 times per week, and develop an ongoing routine that they can continue and revisit throughout their lives.


“1% BETTER has lifted me to freedom and heights I never thought I could achieve.”


Does 1% BETTER address conditions other than mental health?

1% Better addresses mental health conditions including recovery from sexual, physical and emotional abuse. 1% Better also addresses physical injuries sustained in accidents, in athletic injuries, 
or through over exertion  

1% Better is successful in restoring healthy function by releasing the negative energetic imprints associated with mental, emotional and physical injuries and replacing them with positive, life-affirming energetic patterns.

How and when was 1% BETTER Journey developed and by whom?

1% Better Journey was first developed in 1987 then refined and tested from 2017 through 2022 by a team of successful business people who observed a dire need for a more efficient and effective way to address personal development.

“1% BETTER has given me back my life.”

“I always thought I was too much of a man to ask for this kind of help. Out of sheer desperation I called.”


What theories and scientific studies support the 1% BETTER approach?

 1% Better is an iteration of cognitive behavioral theory (CBT), which emphasizes the relationship between thoughts and behaviors as shaped by the emotions of life’s experiences. CBT is one of the theoretical approaches utilized in psychotherapy today. 

      1% Better is based on the principles of healing utilized in highly attuned mindfulness and guided imagery techniques that call on the human body’s capacity for self-healing.

Contemporary scientists who are addressing the viability and legitimacy of such practices and theories include:

Norman Doidge, M.D., author of
The Brain’s Way of Healing; Remarkable Discoveries, and Recoveries from the Frontiers of Neuroplasticity (2015),
The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (2007).

Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., author of
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma (2014). 

Daniel J. Siegel, M.D., author of
Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human (2017),
How People Change: Relationship and Neuroplasticity in Psychotherapy (2017).

Tori DeAngelis, author of
The Legacy of Trauma: An emerging line of research is exploring how historical and cultural traumas affect survivors’ children for generations to come. American Psychological Association. [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2021 July 3]; 50(2). Available from: https://www.apa.org/monitor/2019/02/legacy-trauma

Ali Jawaid, Martin Roszkowski, and Isabelle Mansuy, authors of
Transgenerational Epigenetics of Traumatic Stress. Volume 158. 2018. Pages 273-298. Retrieved from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187711731830053X

L.L. Braga, M.F. Mello, and J.P. Fiks, authors of
Transgenerational transmission of trauma and resilience: a qualitative study with Brazilian offspring of Holocaust survivors. BMC psychiatry, 12, 134. https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-244X-12-134

Is there a set protocol for 1% BETTER?

The protocol for 1% Better is based in the self-determined needs of the individual. In short, 1% Better works at your individual pace and rhythm, and addresses the unique needs of each participant. 

Most individuals experience significant relief after the first 1% Better. Additional journeys can be completed at a frequency rate suitable to each participant. 

     There is no limit to the number of journeys an individual can engage in and find benefit from, and most participants
experience significant results within the first 5 to 10 journeys. Continuing additional journeys is common when the participant feels the need for a tune-up or to continue to discover hidden issues.

“I want to thank 1% BETTER from the bottom of my heart.”

“I was sexually abused as a child and have struggled with feelings of worthlessness my whole life. Now, thanks to the 1% BETTER process, I have been rescued from endless despair realizing my own inherent worth, and am feeling truly valued for the first time in my life. I know I have a ways to go but now I know where to go.”



What is the most challenging part of 1% BETTER?

    1% Better is like going to the mental, and emotional gym. The exercise will be the most effective
when practiced regularly. For optimum results participants are encouraged to incorporate the skills taught through 1% Better into their frequent and consistent mental and emotional workout schedule. 

1% Better requires an individual to engage his or her mind, body and spirit in an integrative, soul searching, emotional release, and cognitive re-patterning exercise.

What are the benefits of 1% BETTER?


1% Better assists individuals in identifying repressed emotions that have locked destructive thoughts in the cells of the body (see Doidge, van der Kolk, and Seigel). When exposed, these embedded attitudes and beliefs are released and replaced with life-giving thoughts and feelings. 

The 1% Better process eliminates the need to exaggerate one’s ego through anger, anxiety, or other chronically  destructive emotions and replaces these self-defense mechanisms with feelings of peace, hope, confidence, and freedom.

What is the success rate of 1% BETTER Journey?

There is a growing body of data supporting the effectiveness of 1% Better Journey in addressing personal development. Of the first 40+ individuals of the 1% Better Journey protocol all report significant improvement in their daily lives.

“1% BETTER works!”

“I’ve done three sessions so far for three separate issues and hit three home runs! It’s a comfort knowing that the process works and is there for me anytime I need it. 1% BETTER gives me a lot of confidence and security.”




1% BETTER Journey
LET GO Meditation
Personal Empowerment  

ALiGN ViNE Creates a Structure which Yields a 91% Chance of Success to transform your life.
A Place to Belong, and a Purpose to Achieve.  

1% BETTER is an art and a science.” Founder Sandra Hadley

“Success is a few simple disciplines, practiced every day; while failure is simply a few errors in judgment, repeated every day.”

—Jim Rohn


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