Enslavement circles the earth like a viper squeezing the power, passion, and love from our souls.

Most of us have dark places in our lives. Darkness is never so dark that it cannot be penetrated by light and hope.  Reclaiming the light that flows in our veins.

We champion “THERE IS HOPE” You Are A Slave To None. We lift to liberate people from life’s chains that enslave us, sometimes not so quietly… by saving drowning souls, maybe that is you right now, who are seeking… for the light

We are a team of international un-slaving Soul trainers, podcasters, meditation gurus, and people rescuers, who finds freedom and joy everyday sharing jewels of light and hope worldwide. Our journey has been keepin’ us on it since the days of Dinos! Follow our journey and make it yours.

JOIN US: https://www.onepercentbetterjourney.com/blog/


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