The Incredible Power of Lifting

I used to visit a woman who wore a mask. She was from Liverpool, a starkly witty, funny, irreverent and vibrant elderly lady, who just happened to have cancer. The illness had attacked her right eye, claiming it along with half her face.

I was volunteering for a charity in London called The Befriending Network, an organisation supporting the terminally ill through giving the gift of friendship.  I would visit her most weeks and spend time with her. Mostly we just chatted, or I helped her with household chores and other practical things. She felt immensely ugly, having to wear a prosthetic mask over half her face, and one day she asked me if I’d like to see her without her mask. I said ‘of course’, knowing that she wanted this deeper intimacy with me, but feared rejection. I felt humbled she trusted me and also wanted this level of connection. Our relationship deepened and over many hours, she shared her life story, her joys and pain, her deep wisdom, and her fears.

I’ve never forgotten the way my encounters with Lucy lit up my life. She blessed me in a way I’ve rarely encountered since. I was always fully aware that she was the one doing the giving, not me. I gained so much from spending time with her, from the opportunity to be there for her and be part of her life. My life was immeasurably enriched in unusual ways and it felt much more meaningful.

I was always fully aware that she was the one doing the giving, not me.I was always fully aware that she was the one doing the giving, not me.

We rise by lifting others. Our soul’s grow, and find happiness, when we give to others. In fact, we are wired to be compassionate and kind. It is a genetic necessity for human survival. The trust, connection and cooperation engendered through giving, creates community, restores the lonely hearts and brings joy.

“We make a living by what we get. But we make a life by what we give.” –  Winston Churchill

There is something so natural about giving when we actually do it that it makes one wonder why we can fall prey to the mind that champions self-centredness as the route to peace and happiness. The mind tries to talk the heart out of generosity and kindness.

There are many wonderful benefits of giving to others. The most important has to be happiness.

Giving is the Key to Happiness

When you help others, your life starts to have meaning and purpose. Real joy comes not from material possessions but from people. When we give our hearts in kindness and love, we get the riches of the universe, and the greatest of these is happiness. When you’re generous with others, you feel abundant, your life feels fertile and rich with possibility. The fruits of generosity rub off as an abundance mindset and support you to be more wealthy in all areas of your life.

It is empowering to feel able to help others. By helping others, you are given great gifts – the space to be kind, to create good karma, and to lift yourself up as you serve another.

By Azriel ReShel


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