Hi! I am SAASHI. I love to BE a FORCE for GOOD. I am the girl who was innocently negotiating for a rug in the markets of Morocco, with a growing number of tall men surrounding me. I barely escaped being sold into sex slavery. My passion is Freeing People in their lives.
I became an international entrepreneur.
Are you up to listening to the whispering of my secrets to liberation? Do you want to discover how to find the core of your pain, own it, feel it, heal it, and face it? Sometimes this journey has lots of lonely and our only friends are our favorite addictions. Are you up to connecting with yourself to celebrate your passion and power?
If I can drop my walls, and share my stories, and find my passion, “THERE IS HOPE” for you. Do you want to leave your old hopeless world behind? Listen to your inner most voice that says: “you are a super star.” YOU ARE FREE!
No matter what your background, your status in the world, your age, or anything else, you can find and embrace your passion, become authentic and BE FREE.
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