Addiction is a lonely disease.

There are studies that show how loneliness can actually impair the brain’s ability to exercise control over our desires, emotions, and behaviors. Loneliness triggers our fight or flight stress hormones, which perpetuates the desire for relief through drugs, alcohol, or other substances. People who feel isolated are more prone to mental illness and substance abuse. Many people turn to drugs or other substances because they feel like it’s the only place they can turn for comfort, but seeking comfort through objects rather than relationships will only perpetuate your isolation. Even though you might feel like you are alone, you are not. There are people who care about you and who want you to succeed. Ultimately, recovery is your choice; but you don’t have to go through it alone. Reaching out to someone for help can be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do, but it is also the best decision you can make for yourself.

You are loved.


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